Lana Wolf – media

Reunion The Queen Experience, Amsterdam

So good to see the guys again! Our Dutch/South-African/UK-team with Jonathan Harvey, Peach Van Platen, Richard Brokensha and Niek Beemsterboer. ...
Wedding Renewal George Baker

Wedding George Baker

It was such a big honor singing a duet with George Baker (Little Green Bag), at what first seemed a ...
Songwriting with Elles Springs

Songwriting for Elles Springs

Songwriting for Elles Springs, for her upcoming album. ...
Record Shop Nashville

Nashville Record Shop!

Look who's album is in the Nashville record shop now! 🙂 ...
Recording in Nashville Studio 19

Recording my upcoming Album ‘Fireflies in Nashville’.

It's a wrap! Here's a last impression of how this album came to life in Nashville (this is not the ...
Songwriting with Scrum

Songwriting for Scrum

Had a great session with the boys of the band Scrum, working on some lyrics for the new Scrum album. ...

Gastenboek TACL

Van 17 januari 2015 t/m 15 mei 2016 Had ik een gastenboek in gebruik op Deze is 'verhuisd' naar ...
Writing with James Sayer and Lee Ann Roberts

London writing sessions!

Several times I went to London for songwriting and making plans with producer/writer  Alan Glass, Lee Ann Vermeulen-Roberts, Yannic Fonderie ...
Trouw Newspaper

Vinyl in de Trouw

Bart Hasselbekke met  'Nashville' in zijn platenzaak 'Vinylparadijs'. ...
Schot op Dreef

Lana Wolf is Grand Lady van de countrymuziek

Lana Wolf is Grand Lady van de countrymuziek POSTED ON 07/02/2016 BY REDACTIE SCHOT OP DREEF INTERVIEW - RADIO SCHOT ...

Vocal Coaching BNN University

Vocal coaching at the BNN University (Radio and TV) ...

B&NL Country Online Recensie: TACL

Recensie van het blad B&NL Country over het optreden TACL in Theaters Tilburg (23jan2016) ...

Mooi compliment voor The American Country Legends! 🙂

Mooi compliment voor The American Country Legends! 🙂 En alleen al om deze reactie, maken wij muziek: "...Vaak heb ik ...
Radio 2 Radio

Playing at Radio 2 (National Radio)

Playing at Radio 2 (National Radio) with DJ's Rob Stenders and Fred Siebelink. ...

B&NL Magazine CD-recensie: Nashville

LANA WOLF NASHVILLE “Nashville” is de opvolger van het in 2010 ver-schenen “Something about Lana”. Lana Wolf trok voor deze ...
DCMA Awards

Playing at the Dutch CMA Awards 2015

Playing at the Dutch CMA Awards with Wim van de Vliert. ...

Mooier op Vinyl – RTV Oost

Mooier op Vinyl vrijdag 6 november 2015 | 18:36 Het kraakt en volgens muziekliefhebbers is het de mooiste manier om ...

Wezepse zangeres Lana Wolf, de nieuwe Ilse DeLange?

WEZEP - Ze is misschien wel de Ilse DeLange van de Veluwe: country-zangeres Lana Wolf (39) uit Wezep is met ...