English posts

Lana Wolf by Deviant Art
Hier ben ik als karikatuur door Dimitri Jansma... Lana Wolf by DMTR-kustomart Watch Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / People ...

London writing sessions!
Several times I went to London for songwriting and making plans with producer/writer Alan Glass, Lee Ann Vermeulen-Roberts, Yannic Fonderie ...

Recording my upcoming Album ‘Fireflies in Nashville’.
It's a wrap! Here's a last impression of how this album came to life in Nashville (this is not the ...

Wedding George Baker
It was such a big honor singing a duet with George Baker (Little Green Bag), at what first seemed a ...
Reunion The Queen Experience, Amsterdam

Here’s where it all started! Arizona, 1993/1994
At Bobby Joe's Irish Pub in Tuscon/Benson Arizona. I was 17 years old at that time and I sang me ...

Songwriting sessions in Nashville, Tennessee
We wrote a couple of cool song with NSAI award winning Jo-Leah Wallace Tilbury and multiple award winning Alan Glass ...

TV Show Jackson, Tennessee (USA)
TV Show for EPlusTV6 Jackson, Tennessee with host Steve Bowers! Thank you so much everybody, for having me on the ...

Nashville in circulation at Papa Turney’s BBQ
My album 'Nashville' was already at the Nashville Recordshop, but now also spotted elsewhere in Nashville: "Lana Wolf your album ...
Recording Elles Springs’ upcoming album
My Boy Today we recorded the song 'My Boy' for the upcoming album 'Reveal' of Elles Springs. Elles and I ...